Everything You Need to Know About Humidor

The idea of humans living underwater may non be as crazy equally you think. An idea in one case reserved for video games or science fiction, underwater cities may be a viable solution for humanity in the distant hereafter.

Would you pack up your bags, clear out your apartment, and move to an underwater paradise? Perhaps you might even dream of living similar the fictional metropolis of Atlantis. If i t makes sense to exit and colonize Mars, the ocean is just equally livable and is far closer to home. As you probably already know, the earth is 71% water. This could be prime real estate for future generations.

Living underwater does pose its fair share of challenges, like common cold temperatures, immense pressure level, and a lack of oxygen. Not to mention, long-term underwater living can wreak havoc on your torso.

Yet, there are promising new horizons in the globe of the underwater living that could tackle these bug and have you or your future children living comfortably underwater in the coming years.


1. Underwater cities are not a new thought

7 Things You Should Know About the Future of Underwater Cities
Source: Cousteau

Though not as frequently touted as some forms of infinite colonization, underwater living has titillated futurists since the beginning of the 20th century. However, information technology was the iconic ocean explorer Jacques Cousteau who made this idea a reality, bringing it to fruition in the early on 1960s.

For the uninitiated, Jacques Yves Cousteau was a French oceanographer, researcher, filmmaker, and undersea explorer, who was largely responsible for igniting the interest of the full general public in the body of water, and the eventual possibility of underwater cities.

Cousteau was so passionate about agreement and exploring the world'due south oceans that he created the famous Conshelf serial of underwater habitats.

7 Things You Should Know About the Future of Underwater Cities
Source: Cousteau

The structures allowed 'oceanauts' to alive underwater for days, or even weeks at a time. Each iteration of the shelters (Conshelf I, Two, Iii) improved over time, eventually allowing six oceanauts to live underwater at a full 328 feet (100 meters) below the surface.

Cousteau's efforts to colonize the sea laid the foundation for the future of underwater cities. In fact, Conshelf sparked a craze, and in the belatedly 60s and early 70s, more than than sixty underwater habitats were dotted across the seabeds, with names similar Sealab, Hydrolab, Edalhab, Helgoland, Galathee, Tektite, Aquabulle, Hippocampe.

2. The depth of the colony affects everything

7 Things You Should Know About the Future of Underwater Cities
The Chinese underwater/floating city projection. Source: AT Design

How humans breathe underwater, and the depth of the structure, are correlated, dictating how the structure should be created and the mixture of air humans will demand to breathe in their underwater city.

First and foremost, it appears that humans should not build colonies deeper than1,000 feet ( 300meters), and ideally at much shallower depths.

This is because the pressure at these depths would not just crave very thick walls simply would as well require lengthy periods of decompression when returning to the surface.

At these depths, humans need to take extra measures to ensure that there is a good for you ratio of oxygen to other gases in the air, every bit the torso requires varying levels of different air components when at pressure. Plants and artificial light could possibly exist used to supply some oxygen, but depth, nitrogen, or helium would besides be needed.

3. Food wouldn't be a trouble in our underwater urban center

The good news is that living on the ocean floor could provide humans with set up admission to seafood and bounding main plants.At that place are aquanauts who are currently living underwater, who are able to partially back up themselves via spearfishing, combined with canned and preserved foods.

Even more and then, more traditional meals and even freshwater could be transported through tunnel or hose systems connected to the surface.

4. Living underwater will requite united states a better understanding of the ocean

7 Things You Should Know About the Future of Underwater Cities
The Chinese floating/underwater metropolis project. Source: AT Design

The thought of living underwater is of item involvement to scientists around the world, including marine biologists. Scientists and researchers have amend maps of Mars than they do of Earth's own ocean floors. To this engagement, humans have simply explored three% of the ocean.

Living underwater could likewise assistance give scientists a improve understanding of the planet and the development of life on Earth. Non to mention, there are likely a host of resources still to be discovered on the ocean floor.

Experts predict there could exist an unquantifiable corporeality of minerals and metals that could exist used to improve humanity and even assist with the further construction of underwater cities.

5. There are architects already working on underwater urban center plans

7 Things You Should Know About the Future of Underwater Cities
Source:Shimizu Corporation

Architects at the Shimizu Corporation have already designed a $26 billion project to create an underwater city. Co-ordinate to the Tokyo-based company, their project would permit thousands of humans to live very comfortably underwater.

7 Things You Should Know About the Future of Underwater Cities
Source:Shimizu Corporation

Though most of information technology is withal only a concept, the Body of water Spiral City would sit down below ocean level off the coast of Tokyo. With its massive turbines, the urban center would power itself through the power of waves, tide, and body of water currents, supporting those who lived on the construction.

7 Things You Should Know About the Future of Underwater Cities
Source:Shimizu Corporation

The structure would exist able to support 5,000 people, and would include labs, schools, and cute residential areas. The underwater city could become a reality by effectually 2030.

6. The applied science already exists… Sort of

7 Things You Should Know About the Future of Underwater Cities
The floating underwater ecopolis for climate refugees. Source: Vincent Callebaut Architects

Correct now, humans have the ability to create underwater colonies that could back up upwardly of 100 people. Every bit a biology professor at Stanford University Ian Koblick states, "There are no technological hurdles. If yous had the money and the need, you could do it today."


Synthetic with steel, glass, and special cement, habitats are more likely to take a modular design than the more than popular conception of a big, underwater bubble or dome.

Structures could exist added or subtracted from the underwater colony to help fit population needs. Larger underwater colonies are already viable. What keeps them from coming into fruition is a lack of interest, motivation, and funding.

seven. Information technology could assistance preserve humanity

Hopefully, it won't get to this, but living underwater could help to salve the man species in the case of a major apocalyptic event.  Philip Pauley, founder of the London-based visual communications consultancy Pauley, has designed a self-sustaining habitat that could savefifty-100 people during a disaster scenario.

7 Things You Should Know About the Future of Underwater Cities
Source: Philip Pauley

One style to gainsay the growing threat of war, express resources, or global warming may come from moving populations underwater.

To the future

Would you live in an underwater metropolis? Yous may not go the full Rapture experience notwithstanding; however, there are already restaurants and hotels that are popping upwardly around the globe that let people to experience limited underwater living. It is probably more than comfortable than living on Mars.


Source: https://interestingengineering.com/7-things-you-should-know-about-the-future-of-underwater-cities

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